Shindig in the Barn 2009

Ken & Sandra
Ken and Sandra
Carolyn and Thom Hanes-151kb
Thom and Carolyn
Bill Carol and Jack
Bill Carol and Jack
Bill Betty and Jim
Bill Betty and Jim
Ken Ed Carolyn and Elvira
Ken Ed Carolyn and Elvira
Mike Paula Terry and Sally
Mike Paula Terry and Sally
Norma Ed George Paula and Terry
Norma Ed George Paula and Terry
Sally Jack Mike and Debbie
Sally Jack Mike and Debbie
Justin is cuing
Paul Langley
Carol and Paul
Eight in a square
Eight in a square
Carol John wife and Jack
Carol John his wife and Jack
Gretchen John and Bob
??? Gretchen John and Bob
Justin (2)
Justin and Phyllis
Norma and Les
Norma and Les
John Sally Adrian Gretchen and Bob
John Sally Adrian and Bob
Justin Roxanne and Terry
Justin Roxanne and Terry
Mike & Debbie Mortenson
Mike and Debbie
Sally and Jack
Sally and Jack
Ed and Elvira-144kb
Ed and Elvira
Tom and Carolyn amidst the antics
Tom and Carolyn among the antics
Kens Tractors
Kens Tractors
The house
Ken and Sandras Home in Bennett


Shindig in the Barn 2008

Denver Fiddlesteppers-90kb
Denver Fiddlesteppers
Becky Morfitt-118kb
Becky visiting at Shindig in the Barn
Linda, Carolyn, Paula
Gene Montgomery Joyce&Steve-104kb
Jean, Joyce, and Steve
Jean, Steve, Terry, Becky, Gary
Bill, Ron, Ron, Betty, Carol, and Carl
Sandy, Joyce, Gil
Paula, Ken, Jeff, and Dianne
Dwayne and Cathy-66kb
Dwayne and Cathy
Visiting in the barn
Dancing in the barn
Bill and Carol-83kb
Bill, Ken, Carol, Linda, Nancy
Sue& Marv Ferish-105kb
Marv and Sue
Ken's antiques-79kb
Ken’s antics
Wild Flowers-105kb
Wild Flowers






